Affiche d'autre chose que le nombre de point quand on dézoom => cluster

Description de la question

Good morning,

I have a local installation, I can't give you a link to the map.

I looked through the questions and tutorials and couldn't find a way to display the geometry dash points with a criterion other than the number when zooming out.

I will be given a marker by telling me that I have 10 customers in the area but I would prefer to use a number field that I have defined and which will give me in my case the sum of the weights delivered. We should be able to indicate the field we want to use, the operation we want to do and the unit.

Can we add a feature, is it possible to fund it? I am a developer but I don't know symfony. I can try to contribute if necessary.

Thanks for your reply and sorry if I missed something.


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peut être en javascript ?

l'objet leaflet est :

et l'événement en cas de changement d'affichage :

tu peux me mp sur le chat sinon ( @vincent-farcy